3 Easy Hacks for Growing Beautiful Ivy League Cherry Blossom Ivy Geranium Plants

Ivy League Cherry Blossom is an Ivy Geranium that grows to a mature height of 16 inches tall and spreads 24 inches wide, blooms all season long, and can even survive winters in Zones 9-11. Ivy League Cherry Blossom Geraniums produce knock out blooms in a perfect mix of pink and white! These flowers are not only beautiful to look at, but they are also known to attract hummingbirds, too. You can plant Ivy League Cherry Blossom plants in baskets and containers, but make sure they have adequate drainage because these flowers like well-drained soil.

To grow an Ivy League Cherry Blossom Geranium to full maturity with bright, colorful blooms, follow these three easy growing instructions. First, Ivy League Cherry Blossoms can handle a little shade, but plant them where they can receive more than 4 hours of sunlight per day. Second, to keep your blooms looking their best make sure you fertilize your Ivy Geraniums one time each week. And thirdly, trim off dead leaves and flower stems to make room for new, better growth to keep your flowers healthy.

Additionally, Ivy League Cherry Blossom Geraniums grow well as companion plants with Bacopa and Impatiens, so you can create a colorful masterpiece in one little spot!

To shop Ivy League Cherry Blossom Geranium Plants for sale, click HERE.

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